The Catholic sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for physical but also for mental and spiritual sickness. A sacrament of the New Law instituted by Christ to give spiritual aid and comfort and perfect spiritual health, including, if need be, the remission of sins, and also, conditionally, to restore bodily health, to Christians who are seriously ill; it consists essentially in the unction by a priest of the body of the sick person, accompanied by a suitable form of words.
Please feel free to call the Parish Office for names to be placed on our two Prayer Lists. The first list is read at Mass and is for "critical conditions." The second list is for less critical individuals and published in the bulletin.
Please notify the Pastor of those who are in the hospital or homebound, so they may receive the Sacraments.
SS. John & Bernard Parish and our Sister Parish, St. Joseph, visit Lakeland Hospital on a rotating schedule.
Families may call the Parish Office at any time for other visits and/or Anointings at any hospital, nursing home, or residence.
If anyone is in danger of death and in immediate need ot the sacraments, please call (269) 983-1575.
PLEASE NOTE: Any Parishioner who enters Lakeland Hospital through the "Emergency Room" is not automatically registered on the Priest Visitation List. In all such cases, please call the SS. John and Bernard Parish office for a Priest visit.