The Diocese of Kalamazoo encourages individuals to report clergy sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults – no matter when the abuse occurred. If abuse by anyone connected to the Church is suspected, please contact the police. You are also encouraged to contact the Diocesan Sexual Abuse Report line at (877) 802-0115. Every effort will be made to return the call within an hour. If the suspected abuse is by a bishop, please contact the police, as well as Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Christophe Pierre at (202) 333-7121 and Archbishop Allen Vigneron, the Archbishop of Detroit at (313) 237-5800.
In addition, the Michigan Attorney General’s Office can be contacted at its toll-free reporting hotline at (844) 324-3374 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or by email at
For any other questions pertaining to protecting our children, please contact the Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator Marina Hentz Shoup at (269) 903-0171, More information and resources regarding the Diocese of Kalamazoo’s efforts to address child sexual abuse and create safe environments for all may be found at